About Us


Our mission is simple. To design and build apps that improve peoples’ lives.

That might sound like a bold statement, but technology can be used to help people to learn and understand a process, to interpret their surroundings, to enable them to learn a new life skill, or to support them in times of stress, illness or for those with learning difficulties or disabilities. The apps we’ve built really have made a difference to peoples’ lives – enabling people to gain employment skills, to travel more easily, to access information and to gain skills for life and work to help them to live life to the full.


We have offices in Wrexham, North Wales and Shropshire, but our team are true ‘digital nomads’ having worked remotely from the UAE, Hong Kong and London, as well as from the UK offices! Our team have diverse backgrounds – including creative design, marketing, computer science, business management, visitor attraction development and marketing and academic research. This eclectic skill set enables us to bring real-life experience from a diverse range of industries to the solutions we develop – ensuring they are commercially viable while being innovative – and delivering measurable outcomes to the individuals who use them and the organisations that commission them.


We work closely with our clients – working with educationalists, clinicians, speech & language therapists, and other professionals to really get to grips with the problems to be solved and the solutions to be delivered in each sector, so our products and solutions are really driven by the outcomes and requirements of the sector and the individuals they will benefit.

What we do

We design and build Apps to train staff and support bespoke company training procedures

If your organisation has a need to train people in a particular process, in a particular way, we have experience in converting paper-based training manuals into interactive training apps for native iOS and Android devices so your staff can take the manual with them on a phone or tablet.

We create apps to help people with learning difficulties and disabilities learn new skills

We’ve built a suite of apps to help people with learning difficulties and disabilities to learn the skills they need to get into the workplace. From customer service to working in a café – our apps break down the tasks into simple steps and use Makaton symbols and pictures to re-enforce learning.

Who you’ll be working with…

Alongside our Board and Associates, who bring specific expertise to our projects as and when needed, the key team you’ll be working with on your project includes:

Neil Bevan FCIM MIoL CMktr

Neil Bevan FCIM MIoL CMktr

Chief Executive Officer

It’s been 30 years since Neil worked on his first client website – and technology has moved at an amazing pace since then. With a background in marketing and design, Neil develops strategy and processes for client apps, specialising in SEND, education and healthcare. He is a Chartered Marketer, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, a Member of the Institute of Leadership and an Industry Champion for Derwen College. 

Kirsten Bevan

Kirsten Bevan


Kirsten is a skilled and experienced operations and marketing manager working with global clients to develop their operational strategies and systems and ensuring project scope and deliverable objectives are met. Her background was in Retail Management before moving into marketing and management in the energy sector. Kirsten offers an objective input into user friendliness and commercial viability of apps we develop.

Spencer Nicholas

Spencer Nicholas

Lead Developer

Spencer is a Computer Science graduate from Aberystwyth University, having completed a four-year course including a placement year. He is an enthusiastic programmer with an interest in developing mobile apps for Android and iOS as well as responsive web applications. He is passionate about delivering the best possible user experience for people of all technical abilities.

Rowan Griffiths BA (Hons)

Rowan Griffiths BA (Hons)

Senior Designer / Web Developer

Rowan is an highly experienced and talented graphic / web designer and developer. He specialises in creative solutions for the design of intuitive and easy-to-navigate User Interface and User Experience design, web app and mobile app design and development, e-commerce, hosting environments, databases and digital marketing.

Starfish Labs is a Disability Confident Committed Employer

Find out more about Disability Confident at: www.gov.uk/disability-confident