
We develop our own iOS and Android products for download from the AppStore and Google Play.
Find out about some of our products below:

DOWNLOAD MY Life Planner (£3.99)

My Life Planner is a visual calendar for people who like to use pictures to remind them when, and how, to do things. It is particularly suitable for use by people with learning disabilities or those who just need a little help with their memory from time to time. MyLifePlanner is also ///what3words enabled – allowing users to easily communicate their exact location to a chosen contact in case of emergency.

Your purchase of the apps will help us to re-invest in creating more apps to help support and improve the lives of vulnerable people.

My Life Planner

In My Life Planner you can create reminders for daily living tasks or events, using photos to remind you, or someone in your care, about planned events and appointments, or tasks they will regularly carry out. Examples of use could include when and how to take medication, reminders of how to carry out a specific task, or general reminders such getting ready for a day out.

You can set up notifications for each event which pop up on a smartphone or tablet at the defined time.

MyLifePlanner allows you to create events which can be broken down into step-by-step guides to tasks using words and pictures that you can take on the device and that will be familiar to the user. For example, you might create reminders about how to make breakfast or a cup of tea, or more complex tasks. You could create reminders about a route to the shops – which bus to catch, or landmarks along the way if they are walking.  


As we move through varying levels of lockdown, MyLifePlanner can alleviate anxiety about going out – for example going to the shops, to the doctors or to the hairdressers. Tasks can be set up in advance on the user’s device, to describe the travel route and what to expect when you get to your destination, allowing the user to play through the scenario ahead of the actual event, and also while they are undertaking the journey or event. 


Tasks can be created and repeated on specific days and times, so routines can easily be set up and stored, with events and tasks being duplicated and set up in order of occurrence on specific days. 



In addition, MyLifePlanner has a ‘help’ section where the user can easily call one of three contacts stored in the app just by tapping the phone icon under a photograph of that person – so they don’t need to navigate menus of contacts and numbers.

By tapping the ‘map’ icon on the help screen you can open a map to find out where you are – and view your what3words location. If the user is lost and has difficulty in describing their surroundings or difficulty reading the what3words location, they can easily send their location to their named contacts by tapping the ‘Send what3words Location’ button. This allows them to touch the name of the person they want to contact, which creates a text to send to that person automatically incorporating their location and saying they need help.


The contact can then either call them to help, describe where to go for help, or go to physically help them, as they will be able to view their location accurately to a 3m square. 


The user can also access an analogue and digital clock to compare the time if they are looking at a clock in an unfamiliar format, for example on a timetable. 


All data is stored on the user’s device and no data is collected by the app. Backups of the events and tasks are made when the device memory is backed up, so no data is stored on servers other than where the user backs up their device.


Starting the app:

When you open the app you’ll be asked to accept the terms and conditions for use of the app.


Once you have accepted the terms and conditions you will be taken to the home calendar where you will be able to see your tasks and navigate between each day

Navigating the calendar:

There are two main ways to navigate the calendar on the app. You can quickly click on the dates at the top of the screen to move between days on the current week:



You can also pull down the calendar from the top of the screen to show the expanded calendar. From here you scroll to different weeks and months. To view details on a day simply press on the date:


Creating tasks:

You can create your own content by tapping the ‘settings’ cog icon and then ‘Manage Days’:



On the ‘Manage Days’ screen you can navigate the calendar at the top of the screen and create a task on a day by pressing on the ‘+’ icon



Each task is required to have a title, image and a number of steps. You can also change the colour of your tasks and add a notification reminder for the task:



You can add steps using your own photos, video, and short sentences in the ‘Add steps’ section:

  • add a step by tapping +
  • edit a step by tapping the pencil icon
  • remove a step by touching the bin icon next to that step
  • remove the whole sequence of steps by tapping the larger bin icon next to the +

You can type in the text for your step and tap the + ‘Add Media’ to add a photograph or a video to illustrate the step. Just touch the tick icon to save the step or the arrow to go back.



To add a notification to your task press the ‘+’ icon next to the notification bell. Then use the time selector to choose the time your notification will alert you

When you have finished creating your task touch the disk icon next to the title and your task will be saved.


Duplicating Routines:

Once you have created a few tasks on a day you can duplicate the routine across different days and different weeks.

When you are happy with your routine navigate to the ‘Manage Days’ page, find the day you would like to copy and press the ‘Copy’ icon to open the duplicate pop-up.

Use the duplicate pop-up to choose which days you would like to repeat the routine on. Once the days are selected then choose how many weeks you would like to repeat this for (1 week would repeat the routine on the current week).

When you are happy with the days and weeks of the routine, use the ‘Save’ button and confirm the duplicating*.

* Any days you repeat a routine to will lose any tasks currently on that day

Using the Help section:

The ‘Help’ section of the app can be accessed by pressing on the ‘?’ icon at the bottom of the screen on the main home page, or by pressing the ‘?’ icon in the top right when within a task:



This will open to the clock, this clearly displays the current time in both an analog and digital form. The buttons at the top can be used to navigate to emergency contacts and the map:




The emergency contacts section will initially be empty. To create a new contact navigate to the settings page with the cog and enter the ‘Manage Emergency Contacts’ page. On this page you can add up to three emergency contacts with names, phone numbers and images. Be sure to save the emergency contacts once you have finished.


Once you have saved your emergency contacts you can call them directly from the help section:



The map section shows your current location as well as your What3Words location. Your What3Words location can easily be sent to any of your emergency contacts:



Support & FAQs

All of my photos and videos have dissapeared from my tasks (IOS) –

This issue is usually caused when you have multiple IOS devices connected to the same iCloud photo library. This causes photo albums to be duplicated on your device so you will probably have multiple folders called ‘MyLifePlanner’ and multiple called ‘MyLifePlannerVideos’. Please follow the steps below to solve this issue:


1) Navigate to ‘My Albums’ in your photos app



2) Enter one of the duplicate albums (AlbumB)




3) Use the button in the top right to select -> select all



4) Once all the photos have been selected use the icon in the bottom left to share



5) On the share menu choose the option ‘Add to Album’. Select the other album with the same name (AlbumA)




6) Navigate back to the ‘My Albums’ screen



7) Use the ‘Edit’ button in the top right corner and press on the ‘-‘ button on AlbumB to delete this album (AlbumB should be the one with less items)



8) This will leave you with one album called ‘MyLifePlanner’ – if needed repeat these steps with the ‘MyLifePlannerVideos’ albums